June 30, 2009

biar sejuk ibu mengandung

yesterday,my colleagues including two yummy preggy mummy (me & siti rohani) blabbing about baby.she is expecting a boy and me a girl.talking about having yet another baby girl,i can hide my happiness.for me,the gender is second thing.the most important is the baby is healthy and perfect.

okay,this entry will see how im diarrhoering all the fed-upness with certain type of people.when my bumps started to show,some 'mulut tak beradap' complaining about my pregs with my hub n me still financially unstable.i really HATE those mouths!given that they are somehow older and as a very 'obedient' younger woman i have to leave their comments without answer.ikutkan hati,"ko tu anak sikit tak kaya2 pon.anak pon x menjadi gak!"kang tersumpah jadi tenggang plak me ni.

okay.i told my dissatisfaction to my hub.yola.for me it is my business!weve never hidup merempat dan meminta kat orang and giving excuses for unfortunate (yola tu) life.we work very hard yet we achieved some sort of equibrilium in our life stage.i chose a non-confirmed position because i want to pursue my wish.UPM offered me something that gave me chances to study,being paid,gain experience in teaching & research which are all the main factors to be a good academician.why shud i rejected it?and i got my extra earn which make me feel contented.
so,at my side , no probs at all.even if we have a new edition!

and my hub's biz is getting flourishing.and again we can afford our life.so why must other being too busybody tak bertempat & menyakitkan hati?kan betul tiap anak ada rezkinya...(tinggal mak bapak la kene usaha..kalo malas..dok mengulit bini je..yg bini pon malas..da la blaja malas kije malas..apa cita???kalo ada duit blanja x pandai manage duit...itu salah korang la)

ps:ok..saya hangin satu badan gak ni!

June 27, 2009

makan makan di mat'am Saba'

kami date cum lunch di cyberjaya hari ini.anak2 ditapau wan n atoknya balik menziarahi nenek moyang di gomeh.so,we have this two days by ourselves...iiyyaahhoooo..so,husband saya teringin nak pi restoran arab di cyberjaya.matam Saba'namanya sempena nama tempat saba' di Yaman.Restoran tu letak bertentang dengan streetmall.

jangan mereka...kad ni dah direload dengan data2 order kita.bile bayar just swap jek.cayalah!

ini pula aruz + dajaj (nasi ala2 briyani + ayam ).husband saya order ayam grilled.satu setnya siap ada roti aisy (lubnan bread,ayam,salad,picklesnya).dan husband saya teringin makan hummus.dah lama x rasa masakan arab.skali amek ko!portionnya bukan utk 1-2 org tetapi 3!!!!harganya rm15 jek..yg ajaibnya..saya makan suku aja...yangh separuhnya dihabiskan oleh suami saya..katanyaa..lazisss!!!mmg pureee arab...bape kati die buh minyak sapi la wat nasi ni..(yo la bang...fanatik arab betul!)
dan ini hummusnya.nampak tak olive oil yang bergenang2 tu?tapi olive ni baik utk kesihatan kan.tapi saya takley masok la hummus ni

ini pula ayaq yg diorder.saya minum ayaq teh ais limau jek.tgk org seblah minum ayaq ada buh lemon.ingarkan ice lemon tea.skali die order iced lemonade.okla tu.then husband saya yg masih kekal dgn citarasa arabnya mengorder syai (teh) yg saiz kecik..again..portionnya utk 3org.syai arab mmg pokat habih..!!plus dgn pudina...saya x suka buh pudina...rasa cam makan ubat gigi.

dan ini plak chicken chop yg saya order tapi terpaksa ditapau..akibat nasi briyani ayam yg terlampau banyak tu.tapi xde blackpepper sauce.dieganti dgn hummus..alamak..makanan arab mmg tak bape reti nk berminyak2 dan berkuah2..itu yg bagusnya utk saya..sbb each time pregnant,mmg melugai makanan oily.

so far,mmg pueh hati den makan kodai arab nih..reasonable price.plus time tu plak angin bertiup sepoi bahasa arab.since we chose alfresco dining..kira selesa la.(faham2 je la cyberjaya.kalo berangin tu kira bersyukurla..kalau tak panas 24 hours)

so kepada sesapa teringin makanan arab..saya rekemen kedai ni..kalo pandai ckp arab..cuba layan borak dgn depa...drang akan borak tak ingat dunia nanti!!

June 26, 2009


dalam masa seminggu lagi : SEMESTER BARU BERMULA anak-anak!

subjek yg ditutor : introduction to educational technology .
level: bachelor degree.

nasib baikla subjek ni dapat A.kalo idak,camna gayanya nk ngaja orang.

subjek yang diambil : data analysis by prof jegak (subject yg ngetop di FPP & UPM)
qualitative research analysis by dr lateef krauss abdullah

so this sem subjects saya jenis yg bermethod & analysis.maklumla..data2 perlu dianalisis dan dihujahkan.

memandangkan saya target nk submit end of this year,so the keyword is HARDWORK.
masyaallah.moga allah berikan kekuatan.di saat kandungan makin membesar dan badan makin bekerja keras mungkin hikmahnya terlalu manis utk dirai.inshaallah.

dan berborak2 dgn adik harith sangat memberi semangat.disamping merapu dengan adik bongsu saya,maksu teema.at least release tension.anak2 saya da tido nyenyak.eczema kakak dah kering.saya sangat happy.saya tau camna seksanya bila eczema menyerang.dan kalo bley saya xmo anak2 saya menderita sbbnya.cukupla saya saja.tapi dah Allah tentukan begitu.jadi wajibla kita mencari jalan ubatinya kan?

saya nak tido.biarkanlah lappy ini terus mendonlodkan journal2 yg saya cari.mencari ilmu membuka seluas minda...seluas hati...ya allah berkatilah ilmu yg Engkau limpahi padaku.

June 25, 2009

tesis tesis

hari ni dah setel cikgu azma n dr aznan's validation
dr ros esok.sbb nk kene burn prototype.dan lagi sorang lagi
utk interview set.call dr samsilah.die suggest dr maria chong sbb dr maria
xpert sensory disability.malangnya call dr maria xde answer.tanya aiena,grad stud die,
maybe die ke athens,ada conference.tapela.buat satu2

sknag tinggal chapter 3 utk direfine.inshaallah end of this month bley relax skit sementara tungu permission eprd.nk habis end of this year gak!

smalam,makan buttered prawn kat rimbun klasik bangi...alamakkkkkk sedapnya...tak hingat dunia makan.balik jadi gatai2 kat kaki n tangan...tapela..skali skala.kan

skang tgh menunggu my SV rspons utk budget survey tu.before studnts DPLI ni praktikal.
(sapa x jawab q's x lulus xm aaa...hihihi acah jek)

June 23, 2009

adakah semakin matang?

beberapa hari ini saya sangat keletihan.
mungkin makan x ikut time.sekali diserang
keletihan sampai lembik badan.

alhamdulillah dah 3hari saya mencuba sabun clay
hpa utk ekzema di kaki saya yang telah infected.
dan nampak improvement.lukanya da mkin kering.
anak2 saya yg ada ekzema pon saya sabunkan satu badan
n part2 yang di siku etc yg mudah jadi saya buihkan lebih skit.
again alhamdulillah...takde la mereka menggaru di situ lagi.
moga inilah jodoh ubat ekzema kami sekeluarga.setelah hampir 12 tahun
saya suffered hand n foot eczema...tak lega2.on n off..harap2 this time
bley sembuh.

n,kalo sesapa sedar message di facebook saya:

in real life we tend to disclose everything personal yet we 'diarrhoea'ing all our stuff on the net.ironic.

smenya berkisarkan pada pemerhatian saya yang satu perasaan peribadi saya
yang mengesan sindrom online memupuk sikap escapism.bagaimaana?rasanya empunya diri
lebih mengetahui.mungkin peningkatan usia mengundang kematangan.mengundang perlunya satu kekuatan berjemaah.sahabat yang benar2 ikhlas.tautan ukhwah yg luhur.\
bukan sekdar laungan atau slogan tak serupa bikin.

selain itu,saya sdkit kekecewaan dengan students saya yang masih lagi membuang masa
tanpa memanfaatkannya dengan benda berfaedah.saya berusaha membantu mereka.namun jika mereka tidak ingin membantu diri sendiri,siapa yang mampu?

June 21, 2009

happy father's day

happy father's day to

1.my dearest husband ->ustaz najib saad, a walid to our three (inshaallah) cute daughters.
hehehhe...the last scan,we saw a girl in my womb.inshaallah.as dr aiman al misriyah said :
the scan technology gave 99% accurate results and 1% is in the hand of the almighty Allah.if He said so,nobody can do anything.

for us , the baby perfect wellbeing is matter most!so,anyone berhajat nk anak2 dara kami nanti make sure quran dah dihafaz ya!!

2.my dearest abah --->hj mazlan hj mazhar ,a father to yet another three outgrown girls!

actually it doesnt need a special day to say this..only me la tergedi2 skit nk wish....huehuehue


sedang sibuk mengemaskini draft kedua thesis sambil menunggu kebenaran dari EPRD.
borang validation sudah dihantar sedang menunggu jawapan.lepas itu,barulah pengumpulan data bermula...adoiiiii lama dan penatnya tu!!

June 19, 2009


husband saya apply utk jd stokis HPA dan mengembangkan networknya di sini.
for anyone interested to do HPA business he's willing to sponsor the membership (rm30 tu!)
mencari yg halal itu wajib bagi muslim!so start now! hope to seeing u soon!

June 14, 2009

character based on birthday

character based on birthday

my dearest husband: 27.2.197*
You are sensitive and vulnerable. Tears often run down your cheeks even when the matter is not that bad. This might be the result from being too pessimistic. You might seem cold on the shell, but your inner self is a loving person. Your Love, You will be elegantly dressed, no matter how casually dressed your date may be. You are demanding in love and sometimes to an unacceptable extend.

mine : 01.10.198*
You are very curious and dedicative. When you are interested in something, everything else has to wait. This is your quality. But if you learn to be more patient and complete what you have started, you will be successful in life. Your Love, You believe in love at first sight. You won't wait to learn more about the person. Vise versa, people who fail to impress you will hardly get a chance to be your friend. Your emotion is on the extreme. You can only love or hate, nothing in between and this often shows in your expression. Try not to end a relationship in a quarrel.

nuha : 24.2.2006
You are very optimistic and that's why you always enjoy life. You are gifted in entertaining others. Your friends love and trust you. You'll be the first they come to when they are in need of someone to speak their heart out. Your Love, Sometimes you fall in love just because you want to be in love, not that you really like that person. You always be seen as a sweet couple but you can't really get over your love ones from past. Your partner is usually crazy about you because you are remarkably charming and romantic.

nusaibah :07.06.07
You are sensitive to changes around you but your feeling is hardly expressed. You hate exaggerations. Under your quiet personality, you are rather stubborn and self-centered. These qualities are the force behind your extreme persistence. Your Love, You have enormous courage to please your lover. Your relationship often progress quickly.

June 13, 2009

extended version : NUSAIBAH 2nd bithday

nusaibah mhd najib 2 years ago...

and celebrating her 2nd birthday a week ago.uwannya
pegang tangannya potong kek.with abg daniel n kakak nuha
sekejap jek,she's already 2.different character from her sis Nuha.nusaibah is more agressive. some pics during the small celebration for her.

the cake which WAS yummy!

antara hadirin

birthday girl n abg daniel aka abg ultraman

simple gifts from ummi n walid

kakak pon dapat hadiah..barbie teresa dr makngah

piano dr wan anjan

mksu pon dpt hadiah ke?dr set dr wan

dan banyak lagi!

dgn mklong lili

satu je tadek,gamba kami anak beranak..heheheh..parents bz la sampai lupa nak amik gambar

June 11, 2009


just finished attending ICERP.thanks Dr.SV for sponsoring me!

June 09, 2009


hari ini sangat moody.
and i wish those ppl
disappeared in my life!

June 05, 2009

planning for anniversary 6 months in advance

i kept asking my husband.this year we should celebrate our marriage anniversary in a very ROMANTIC ways (reminder:without any sepupu sepapat,adik beradik visit.purely blissful togetherness.Kids will be left with grandps). im thinking of somewhere exquisite..like sri lanka,taman negara (dont you think my preferences are bit weirdo?)..he didnt say a word until recently .. "we should celebrate it here..in our own lovely home.it is US who decide it to be romantic"....me : ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!yola tu..then our romantic gateways will be filled with activities membasuh kain,mengemas rumah,berkebun,memasak (man knows how to answer!)..

June 04, 2009

no salah

sudah hampir 6 bulan saya menggunakan no hp baru.
dan baru semalam saya sedar,saya tersalah no hp sendiri.
dan banyak orang saya beri no yang salah itu.

June 03, 2009

sakit kepala

hari ini sakit kepala ..

bibit-bibit migrain..

terpaksa rehat sekejap ...

dan tido...if tak lega..terpaksa telan


June 01, 2009

Proud of your Language!

liza martinez,Ph.D in her presentation highlight some point for us to ponder:

"deaf people in Filipino faced big problems in finding their own deaf culture and language.
since,the school practicing English as a medium of learning,the chances of Tagalog being used are minimal and zero at all.thus,Filipino Sign Language (FSL) are mostly adapted American SL (ASL).Because of this,they really have problem in signing their own national language ,Tagalog."

moral:school should be using BM as medium.and if you want to introduce english as a medium,be it for upper secondary level!

international seminar on sign language research

this is my back-to-back entry posts.i went to international seminar on sign language research held in Fac.of Language and LInguistics,Univ Malaya.The two days seminar was really a hit for me and i must say it enlightened me most!the topics and discussion is so fresh and invigorating and i got the direct access and answer from the very own experience of deaf people and researchers themselves.

as usual i took some pics.(somehow a bit jauh)
opening ceremony toh puan hjh aisyah ong,prof azirah n prof zubaidah,i dont know his name

the presenter from CHinese Univeristy of Hong Kong,Dr Felix Tze,on her research of deaf lingustics .
sort of longitudinal study.

dr liza martinez from deaf NGO in philipines

dr abdullah yusuff from inst.perguruan Kota bharu,one of the reknown
deaf expertise in malaysia

the last session : plenary @ Q&A session
mr abdullah rahim from UM,dr felix tse,Rev. charles dettmeier,prof Bell R.T,Prof Zubaidah Bell
and the interpreter ( i fogot his name)

i ended up asking 12 written questions and 2 oral questions.there was so much i want to know yet the time is soooo limited.ill take sign language course after this (for sure,got cert what!)

moral:its better to conduct a seminar in place like this rather than hotels,the fees are so cheap yet the knowledge is priceless!one thing:sponsorship helps the cut the cost of the kais pagi makan pagi grad stud that depends on allowances..hihihihiks

jelajah utagha

from 25 may-28 may..we went for Jelajah Utagha trip.started with Aloq Staq (only for half a day).Bought some tudung there and melawat mentua.Then headed to Georgetown.Got conference there.seriously,Tanjung isnt my cup of tea!it sort of haphazard.inadequate road sign.bad driving habit!i prefer KL.just imagine,we stayed in tune hotel in Jln burmah.
my kids left all sort of DNA marks on those shiny mirror (mine you,it is more than thumbprint!)

and we took almost an hour to find the entrance of MasjidKapitan Keling.HOws bad is that?i insisted to snap some pics there since it is declared as world heritage (see my nusaibah pic below)
nusaibah in front of masjid kapitan keling

since my hubby just parked his car opposite of the mosque,i found the gate is locked (the one in the same row of Nasi Kandar Beratur.)Then,my husband,aunties n kids went to tg bunga,bt feringghi n else left me spent some tiring time sitting all the hours in conference held in bayview hotel ( i hate their food!).Below,my kids posed in bt feringghi

those two makciks lurve posing i guess!

Before we left Tanjung,we stopped at Queensbay.Snapping again load of piccas.Below is the one with Jambatan PP and also tip of Pulau Jerejak as our 'lovely' background.arent we lurvely? (hikshikshiks)

one happy family @ Tanjung (bg music should be the OST from Anak Mami)

On the way backhome,we stopped by kuala kangso..gamoknya nk bergambo dgn masjid ubudiah n tgk2 madrasah idrisiah.yes..after living in this world for 27 ++ years finally i got the chances!
as usual,i forgot to bergamba2kenangan during the cnfrence.my hp is low in batter.kept blinking and beeping..no chance to snap piccas there!!

the conclusion:terokailah malaysia!banyak tempat untuk dikunjungi.
the moral values embedded : if you're preggie,travelling this long journey will surely damaging ur all urat saraf n the other next day,waking up from my bed was the most hurt things ive experienced!!!!