April 28, 2009

sports day!

last saturday,my daughters participated in sports day!

April 24, 2009


23.04.2009--around 10am.my uncle pak uda,sulaiman ibrahim passed away because of stroke.may allah bless him.


im in the middle of watching top 10 maak silvana,featuring 10 most hits songs from arab region.yes.no 1 nancy.darine with kell ossa is no 2.my nuha loves her song,aiwa aiwa.i do miss arab region so much.i just dont understand why the feeling is so intactly existed (shilme,did u feel the same thing?)ok.arabs are bit rough in nature and a lil bit rude.but,when u know them,be a friend with them,masyaallah,u will never forget them.

i missed the smile of dr aiman mahmud,my o&G who monitored both my previous pregnancy and delivered my nusaibah.the warm,friendly and motherly figure who treated her patients with commitment and care.i remembered the kindness of our x-landlord,baba.he just too kind.altho ppl said arabs landlord mostly care for money,alhamdulillah he isnt.baba often came by to play with nuha and then nusaibah and had a chat with my husband.his wife,mama cant make it because of health probs.so we just sent regards to her.and when my husband last saw him last year,he gave baba a picture four of us,he cried.he said he missed both of my kids so much!
then,my mom's friend,randa moneim.she is sort of my kakak angkat.very caring and during my confinement she came to visit me and my nusaibah.she was there when i cried after my family went back to malaysia,leaving us in the desert somewhere in northern africa!

and now,both my daughters have inclinations towards arab.they will stop,smile and wave to any arabs and anyone who looks alike.maybe they miss egypt too!and my husband said if they choose arab as their husband,he accept it but no russian!!

April 15, 2009


final exam with a severe headache.
with morning sickness.and they said
amnesia is attacking a preg mom.
yeah.it must be a really challenging
situation.bravo for me!

April 13, 2009

celine dion

ah ha..my hormon imbalances makes my emotion rollercoasting.
last saturday i watched oprah.my goodness.there was a song "because You Love
me" sang by celine dion and one 16-years old Filipino girls.i admit..im a fan of her.celine has a mignificent voice.sort of merdu and gemersik..(i think in english velvety voice)..and the duet was so dynamics.it just made me feel soo vunerable and suddenly i missed my mom who is now in Mecca performing umrah.i was home-alone.my husband got biz function with dato' itu and dato' ini.and my sister,hasni went outing brought two of my girls so that i can spend some time studying for my paper.yeah..n i read all the notes on screen.my husband forget to buy the already finish a4 paper.wargh..im a bit distress.

April 06, 2009


in malaysia,this is a rare condition.but,in the other part of country it is normal.ive experienced this wonderful condition.i went to book festival in Cairo and it was held during the winter time somewhere end of Jan.i was pregnant with nusaibah.since it was winter,the day was short and the solat time was really packed and tight.and at the same time the musolla was quite far (for me) and the only choice is went to the toilet,took a wudhu and solat at the garden just besides me.it was so nice to know that the action is acceptable there.i am afraid what will the reaction from malaysian?


dr fauzi asked me to go to his office.and he handed out a piece of letter from faculty.
the acceptance letter for my article.yes.it has been accepted to be published in 1st issue of IJERP.and need some revision.only on the conclusion.they need at least a page instead of 5-6 lines i wrote.and overall marks i got is 9!im so happy.at least this good news made me happy after the 'ulat" incident.

it doesnt need an intelligent to tell what to do with the bin!

i went to my office.and i saw someone left their food leftover(i guess) in a styrofoam box with a packet of drink at the side of my desk.without thinking too much i just picked it up and threw it on the rubbish bin just outside our office room.and suddenly there is a lot of tiny creatures crawling.damn it!!!!it's already berulat!who one dun it shud give me a very good reason!

April 02, 2009


so,my days were passed by with:

1.already completed my morning sickness level.
2.in midst of taking care of both of my children,down with
HFMD (hand,foot and mouth disease)
3.completing my thesis.
4.completing my conference paper.
5.forget to take good care of my own self.

i know.it is hard to study with all these commitment.but,i take it as challenge.
and i admire dr norasyikin ,the top O&G specialist who initiated PRIMANORA wellness centre.married and having child during her undergrad year ,survived with her 'old lday' yet now among the best O&G specialist in malaysia!!