cerita kegemaran anak2 saya.bukan anak saya saja,yg dah tua tua ni pon layan skali lagu wonderpets.berhantu betul lagu ni!apa yg bagusnya kartun mat salleh ni,ada educational values n implement the theories of learning.depa consult educationist takla main tibai buat ja!salute wonderpets yayyyyyy!!!
Linny: “Apa yang penting??” Tuck and Ming-Ming or All: “Kerjasama!” Linny: “Apa yang penting?” Tuck and Ming-Ming or All: “Kerjasama!”
All: “Wonder Pets! Wonder Pets! kami datang, membantu haiwan yang dalam kesusahan!” Ming-Ming: “Kami tak besar,” Tuck: “Dan kami tak kuat,” All: “Bila Bekerjasama semua jadi mudah. Go, Wonder Pets! Yay!”
makanan dan minuman halal adalah satu kewajipan bagi seorang muslim. dalam situasi Malaysia yang berbilang kaum,bukan muslim juga terlibat dalam industri makanan dan minuman ini.cuma kita perlu bijak dalam memilih pilihan yang terbentang didepan kita.apa kata mulai hari ini kita cuba menukar gaya hidup kita agar lebih berhati-hati dalam memilih makanan dan minuman.bukannya apa,yang terbaik adalah dibuat oleh muslim menggunakan barangan yg halal dan sahih kehalalannya.disini,saya sertakan cadangan yg boleh kita ikuti. *bertukarlah kepada produk2 makanan dan minuman buatan muslim.contohnya: Nes**fe kepada radix ubat gigi S**i,Dar*** kepada Mu'min sardin cap K*** Cu* kepada Pertima Quak**er Oa** kepada Monrflake Oats Mag**e Mee kepada Adabi Mee Segera Sos Kim**** kepada Muslim Best Pau segera Ka*i kepada Karts beras cap pelik2 kepada Beras Faiza,dan Langsat
banyak lagi produk muslim skang ni.kita cuma perlu cari dan cuba.kekurangan promosi dan masalah dengan vendor (yakni pasar2 besar,supermart yg kadang2 meminggirkan produk muslim menjadi penyebab.produk2 muslim maybe mahal skit disebabkan ini.
*makanlah digerai2 pemiliknya muslim.bersangka baiklah pada mereka , bahawa mereka akan berusaha memberi makanan yg halal lagi baik. Kunjungi RFC dr K** utk ayam goreng Cubalah Laksa Shack,Boraque kopitiam @ danau kota,Restoran Rumah Thai,Kunang2 daripada Secr*t Re***pe,Old *** Ca**,Dom*,Sta* B**ck,etc Kedai masakan Thai dan mamak lebih baik.
saya menyeru rakan rakan seislam saya supaya lebih tegas dalam memilih makanan.kerana makanna dan minuman itu akan menjadi darah daging kita.berusahalah!
tv stations ( cable and public ) often broadcasting drama series back to 1970's.im a big fan of retro drama series.let me listed my favourite drama and cartoon series few decades ago.In a bracket is an estimated era.
*McGyver -90's *21 Jumpstreet- late 80's *The Nanny -90's *Fullhouse -90's *family ties - 90's *charlie's angle - 70's *i love lucy -60's *dr quinn medicine woman - 90's *dallas -80's *remington steel - 80's *ps i love you -90's *ER - 90's *dynasty - 80's *oshin 90's *miro attack - 90's *knight rider -80's *mission impossible 90's *beverly hills 90210 90's *fresh prince of the bel air 90's *the x files90's *friends 90's
could u relate what happen at the time the drama was on tv?
i overheard tis young lady wearing a school uniform ( i guess she is in form 1-2) calling his boyfriend ,SAYANG, who turned up wearing a secondary school uniform with revision book for PMR.
i just couldnt believed what i heard.i might have some hearing issue which is well-known among my family members.but,this one?what i can say is,the couple is not a married couple.16 years old is the limit age for legally married for man.so , logically when he brought a PMR revision book he must be 15 years old which is a year shy from the legal age.ok.thats my argument.
when im married with my husband,i took around 2 months after our marriage to start calling him abang.before that , i conversed with him saya,awak.and he addressed himself as abang and me as sayang.see,macam itik cakap dgn ayam.i just couldnt say the word abang.it is (at that time) something really personal and intact.yet,it just take time to warm up our marriage ( we are practicing love after marriage).
and,when i went to cairo,then i managed to call him abang.itupon sort of tergeliat lidah and tergagap2!he was a way too happy when he heard me calling him like that.just imagine,2 months after marriage,his wife calling him abang!how happy a hubsnad could be!
Nuha : Ummi ini apa?(merujuk kpd sayur kobis dalam nasi gorengnya) Saya : Sayur.Popeye suka makan. Nuha : Popeye makan sayur jadi kuat ya? Saya : Ya.Die jadi kuat.tolong orang Nuha : Kakak nak sayur!kakak nk jadi Popeye.
begitulah besarnya pengaruh media.alhamdulillah dalam hal ini,pengaruhnya positif.
untuk 2 hari yg lepas,saaya berkesempatan menemani suami saya menghantar kotak2 kitab dan barang customernya di rumah2 di sekitar Gombak dan kawasan berhampiran.driver yg diamanahkan x bley harap (org melayu camni la gaji nak keje malas) maka suami sy mengambil keputusan menghantar sendiri kotak2 yg berdekatan.maka pelbagai ragam manusia saya dapat lihat.
ada yg begitu membantu dan warm.ada yg sombong.ada yg biadap.macam2 jenis.walaupun yang menghantarnya dari mesir,yg menerimanya tak semestinya org yg berperangai baik.kadang2 mcm perangai org tak berakhlak.saya ni sampai jadi boring plak.
bayangkan,suami sy hantar barang ke rumahnya,si suami bukan nk membuka pintu atau memberi salam.isterinya yg kelam kabut sumenye.yg lakinya bley trecegat kat pintu rumah tanpa ada usaha nk bg salam.bengang saya tgk.depa ingat kita ni x educated ke?dah la x bg salam.pandang pun sekilas jek.mahal sangatke harga ucapan salam dari mulutnya?apa laaa.mungkin die ingat suami sy ni budak penghantar barang kot.tak kiralah apa status seseorang manusia tu.salam itu untuk semua.tanpa mengira darjat dan rupa!!
im in a jovial mood.my SV,dr shaffe emailed me about the acceptance of my abstract submitted to the panel of reviewer for International Journal of Research Educational Practice (IJERP).So,this will be my very first officially published journal article which will mark my existence on the field of academia.
and,this coming saturday,my SV also has arranged unofficial proposal presentation for students under him and Dr Ramli Basri. He said it good in helping us refining our proposal.
dr shaffe is one of the greatest figure ive ever known.he is very helpful, kind and discipline yet flexible.so,if u r intend to apply for M.sc or PHd in fac of Edu Stud. UPM,do choose him as SV!you will never regret!
suddenly,im selling a diet formula ,jus dietmate5! i couldnt believe it.hope u guys will lend me a support! promoting malaysian products and healthy lifestyles of course!
kami bercadang untuk berpindah bulan mac nantti. suami ingin berpindah ke shah alam.dekat dengan pejabat barunya.saya masih dalam dilemma.masih menunngu keputusan fellowship.Khai beritahu dalambulan 2 baru announce. di shah alam , mana tempat yg bagus utk memulakan kehidupan?
i browse thru frens' news feed on the online social networking.this is what im doing after my brain liquidating process become nearly at the critical condition (read:otak tepu).i couldnt avoid myself to point out some profiling on what they have said on this very virtual and worldwide free access.just look at his point.
+some are prone to use considerably rude vocabulary without any solid reason. eg:loads of works.sucks!,its so nice,fark! +discussing some private points that have sexual connotations without any hesitation.sometimes,without any intention.mind you guys,for muslims,it is something you shud taken good care of.after all the complete 6 pillars of iman and 5 pillars of islam,it shud be reflecting on our words,actions. +in real life,a sweety lil girl completing with hijab.on virtual lfe,all the hijab have seems to be taken very very far away.(this exhibiting on the above-profiling!) +expressing angers at others which in facts,it is urself whove done the damages.as if u r the only RIGHT-MAN in this universe.
ppl mights say im a bit kerek.be it because im saying the truth and truth is something the hardest thing uve to face in life!
it is 3.25 in the morning. i cant sleep.altho my body slowly depleting on energy my brain is a way too active to rest.
all in it is my dearest thesis. prototype in progress and piles of books.digesting infos on theoretical & conceptual frameworks. ahmad model,farrington model vygostky,jerome bruner, chomsky,mayer.
sandwiching times,playing geo. and cup of hot coffee. and burning scent of roses mid nite oil+windy nite!
ive just opened the list of accepted abstracts on International Conference on Language which is scheduled to be held this coming May.God blimey!most of them are foreigners from other countries and im started to 'kecut perut'.and only 3-4 papers are doing the technology and language and the others are more focused and details in language learning!i will appreciate this chances to gain more knowledge from the experts!
bak kata dr amin , th emost important thing is,u understand what u hev to present.it is the job of the recipient to understand it...erkk..bley ke tu?
saya fed-up dgn sikap sesetengah individu yang tak memberi peluang kepada mereka yang menempuh kegagalan.walaupun berlmbak quote of the day,motivation, etc ttg betapa failure is just another step to success,but there is still some humanoid ppl yg ignore this very true quotation.
what wrong of being a once failure.once failure didnt mean fail for the whole day of ur life (however , theres some explanation and exceptionally cases on this statement la kan).if the person who fail in his/her first attempt then they excelled in the other steps,why bother the past.if they managed to scrap all the failure and strive yet achieved the successfulness,who cares about the past failure?kan kita slalu dgr,how many attempts done by thomas alva edison in his xperiment.einstein in formulating the gravity theory etc.they didnt success in a go!they gone through the failure attempts for a thous time!yet some ignorant ppl who still see and regards once-failure shudnt be given any 2nd chance.
i just like to share my xperience working with the late prof muhammad.my first degree is a so-so result.im not too excel in it.but he said,i got what it takes to success in education field.yet only at this time,i knew how true and exact his instinct about me!now,im taking a 360 degrees turn where from hate relationship with multimedia to lurve of it and try to implementing it into edu.u see how powerful 2nd chance is?
so everyone,give urself a second chance!and make sure u prove it all the failure in the past is just a past! (please dun carry it on !)
i just couldnt believe that in this new world,new era full of freedom,full of integrity and humanity,yet there is still war raging in this very part of our world. there should be negotiation,peace talks , but why resorted to the brutality and inhumanity war against civilians?yet,still no action to stop those cruel war?but for the martyr of Islam,either you dead or alive,you will assure a winner!may allah bless all muslim in all over the world!
today , was the very first class for seminar by dr aminuddin.last weekend,we register for prof rahim.tapi atas pengaruh rakan tidak sebaya (farah), me,kak siti and kak liza changed the classes.seriously,dr amin is very great person.i dont know how to describe him.but he treat us like adult and humours plak.very rare.n one thing he is a bit 'philosophy'-type man.so the class finished at 4.30!yeah.there is no assignment only presentation.and submission of full proposal at 14th week.and for class dr rosnaini,we decided to take it!bio banyak kelas!banyak skit ilmu..heheheh.and im thinking of changing the language class to audit class only.x yh p xm.sok call GSO.
anyway,during the way back home,as usual at 5-6pm,KL is full of cars.traffic stucks here and there.so,in front of me, the car with the sticker that really catched my attention I have better things to do rather than getting stuck on the traffic jam
sort of..yes!im a person who values quality time.thats why i try to avoid occasion and classes that capable to make me stuck in a jam!on my way back from UPM to gombak,ive to face heavy traffic in jalan istana towards lebuhraya mahameru (just after Pengasih) and the worst is in sentul,from sentul belouvard (how to spell it anyway?) towards kg chubadak.
i didnt know for how long the kg chubadak lane will causing bad traffic?!hope something can be done to solve this prob!wish i live somewhere which is less traffic!
i might be in ipoh early next month. ill present my paper on Seminar Kebangsaan ICT dalam Pendidikan. i asked the fees of the student.ye la.i am a fulltime student.mana nak cekau duit fee sampai RM600 kan? if they refuse,i will not go.fullstop. and im still waiting for the UPM fellowship result? bila nak kuar ni?almost 2 months da!berdebarnya!
saya doakan semua sahabat2 dan sahabiah2 yg sdg berimtihan di bumi mesir,dapat menjawab dgn cemerlang dan najah!kalo bley mumtaz insyaallah!
ps:kerinduan pada bumi anbia la plak!sambung phd kat american univ laku ke? ada lecturer upm amik translation cert kat situ..mcm2 la..tapi target utk phd deutsch!
di kala ini , saya sedang mendaftar subjek tambahan bagi master saya. saya mengambil subjek dari fakulti lain iaitu Fakulti bahasa moden dan komunikasi. subjeknya language learning and language acquisition.walaupun elektif tapi saya amibil juga sebab amat bersesuain dengan tajuk tesis saya.kelasnya diadakan setiap sabtu jam 8 pagi hingga 11.alamak!!awalnya..nampaknya lepas subuh kene terus pi kelas la.
sambil mendaftar,saya mendengar lagu faveret saya,albi nadak.maklumla suami saya tujukan pada saya.mana tak terjiwangnya.serius lagunya amat2 menusuk kalbu dan suara penyanyinya,fares cukup gemersik.version amal hijazi pon x dapat lawan.hehhehe..
berkenaan lagu2 ni,ada kawan saya tanya,ko ni dengar lagu ke..saya tersengih siput je la dengar.saya dengar tu dgr la gak..ikut mood.tapi kebanyakannya masuk kiri keluar kanan kecuali kali lagu2 tu dituju oleh suami terchenta pada saya!!!!hihihihi..saya belasah je dgr lagu2 lain.saya dgr je lagu leona lewis la rihanna la bukan sbb sy yg nk tp adik2 saya dengar.kadang2 tu sy plak lagi advance sbb sy slalu bukak mix fm dalam perjalanan ke kuliah..hehehhe..tau la jugak lagu depa tu..kalo sy yg sendiri buka,saya suka lagu nancy ajram!sume lagu nancy sy minat!
ok..dgr lagu dgr la juga tapi jangan samppai melalaikan kita sudah. gtg.nk bersiap pi rumah parents saya.
im not suppose to write this entry.i should relax and chilled myself after days cramming my fragile brain to work overboard.furthermore,my dearest husband is away.have some work commitment in Penang.resulting me and my 2 extremely busy and kind-of-x-reti-duduk-diam-walau-seminit children stranded on my parents'house.(ni pon nasib baik the grandpa&ma treat them with some nice weekend outing!yuhuhuuu!!got my me time)
discussing about early childhood education with some friends.this one friend,who use to live a lavish life,mind u really rich,with a bungalow in bukit jambul,sports cars,hermes handbag(ni yg x tahan ni!!nk gak!),givenchy,et al.due to some glitches and economic slump,they have to lead a modest life.talking about the children education.she sent her son to (guess pleaseee...) tabika kemas.im not going to downgraded or belittle it but i want to stress it,im not dare to send my children there.i prefer PASTI,where the surrounding is more islamic.she said,she wants to test and give a try to the government kindi.i said it is nothing wrong with it.u can try it and sadly,there is no english time in the kindi.and at the same time most of the students are malay.
another news, one of my friend is interested to open a playschool for children aged 0-4 years old.included nursery and learning.we both agreed that parents nowadays are willing an exorbitant fees just to let their little one to be the best.some take an exagarate steps by ignoring the cognitive capability of the young lady/mister by 'pushing' them excelling in nursery exams? pardon?nursery exam,what the heck is that?nursery suppose to be a very relax and the stage you nurture the basic 3M.u don hev to push them so that they get A.(yg skoolnye pon satu,instead of grade why dun u just use pass/fail?)..but the parents will..everyday pon sanggup2-3 hours ajar ank umo 6 bulan A,B,C..one thing parents always forget,children especially at the very young age,learn best during playtime!it stimulated the cognitive in the other way!
then,whats the conclusion?the best is to teach them by ourselves.im doing it a step by step.but i saw the need of socializing.i just couldnt find parents who intersetd to form a group so that,well be able to meet once a week to let our children learn how to socialize.we r thinking of enrolling nuha to school.but yet,still considering......
im addicted to geochallenge in facebook.some of my colleagues are fan too including fasiha and wanie.i found that there is some similar features that share by many country in this world.so,i classified it to major segment.here it is:
just use stripes.shuffle the colors or rotate it.walla! a new flag! example:(in a row ; france,netherlands,germany,belgium)
using the same templates.just shuffle the color scheme. example : in a row ; peru,cuba,senegal,cameroon,sudan,western sahara,palestine)
a flag that is too complicated.the primary skool students there might hev some issue on drawing their nation's flag , im afraid!
example : in a a row gibraltar , wales
with a map of the country herself!so,the ppl shudnt forget how their country looks on the map! example : in a row ; cyprus,antartica
my eczema is getting worst.ive been diagnosed to have a foot and hand eczema,which is only 5% of the patients in Dermatologist Clinic HKL suffered from it.i have this condition started from me in Form 4 and it was just recently,the specialist diagnosed it.(didnt know why the private specialist didnt told me!).
actually,a month ago,Dr.Kaur prescribed me a high dose of antibiotic for two weeks + fucicort cream and it almost 30% gone.however,the next visit,the other Dr (Bilik F didnt hev a permanent dr.) didnt prescribed the antibiotic and fucicort.only antihistamine,mosturizer & BVC cream.and the result.it aint getting any better.to make it more and more worst,i cant come for the 26.12 appointment due to some work and the appointment is reschedule to be this friday,9 January 2009.this eczema really affected my daily life.and seriously i lost sleep and have difficulty to walk (since it severely attacked my soles).im trying the find what the things that trigger the attack.and i always hope that the specialist will do a patch test so that i know how to prevent it.what i can confirm is,the attack started a year and a half ago (after the previous attack completely supressed on the year 2005),after i accidentally stepped on the water with detergent in the bathroom.and until now,it doesnt seem to fully recovered.
i tried an alternatives medicine.electronic med showed amazing result.but i stopped it because of the high fees.the 'kammpung' med just didnt get well with me.after all the pantang itu and ini,it is no improvement.
the college havent paid my cheques for 2 months.saiko.mati kering.suppose,im using the paycheck to support my study.ive taken my dear friend,azura rasid seriously. so, i tried to call Jabatan Buruh .but no answer.and i call the HR again.the person said the will check the matter again.since she couldnt find my claims.and auntie sharifah suggested me to make a police report and try to 'gertak' them.if nothing then the law action will take place.ermm..what should i do?
herewith i enclosed abstracts of my paper that have been presented and will be present in
the various conferences.if happen the abstract is the one you looking for,dont be hesitate to contact me personally.im willing to share it (given that ,u credit me.unless it is plagiarism).
Effectiveness of Assistive Computer Technology (ACT) for Enhancing Basic Language Skills among Students with Hearing Disabilities : A Literature Review
Nurul Hijja Mazlan
Shaffe Mohd Daud
Faculty of Educational Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia
It is well documented that deaf children are often delayed in language development compared to their hearing peers.However,invention of assistive computer technology (ACT) gives deaf students opportunity to enhance their language skills and immerse on new and more interactive virtual learning environment.The purpose of this paper is to review the potentialand effectiveness of ACT for improving language skills andlearning outcomes among deaf students.The review is organized into two major sections that reflects the theoretical framework to date; dialogic reading interventions and technology interventions on deaf’s written language.Many researchers conclude that dialogic reading interventionshave yielded significant improvement on deaf students’ language development and ACT has demonstrated efficacy in enhancing language skills among students with hearing disabilities.Educational considerations in planning computer-based dialogic reading intervention for students with deafness in Malaysia are deliberately discussed for future practitioners and educators.
The paper has been presented on 2nd International Malaysia Educational Technology Convention held in Kuantan,Pahang and organized by Univ.Sains Malaysia.
Nurul Hijja Mazlan1 Shaffe Mohd Daud2 and Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayob3
1Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
2Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
3Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Normal children acquire and develop their languages mostly through spoken language which demands the hearing capability. Thus, in respect to the deaf children’s deficit on auditory processing, it is well documented that deaf children are often delayed in linguistic area compared to their hearing counterpart and are often disadvantaged on both count: spoken and written languages. However, the implementation of information technology in education helps to elevate the language learning process in addition to the conventional teaching and learning process. This paper reviews the usage of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in deaf education setting and critically investigates the effectiveness of CALL among children with hearing disabilities. The review finds that the efficiency outweighed the inefficiency of CALL in deaf children’s language learning process. Educational, physical, technology and design factors that highly contribute to the beneficial CALL are deliberately discuss for future researchers and practitioners.
Keywords : Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Special Education, Assistive Computer Technology, Technology Intervention, Hearing Disabilities
The full paper is expected to be presented on Seminar Kebangsaan ICT dalam Pendidikan in Ipoh,Perak organized by UPSI
N. H. Mazlan1 , S.Mohd Daud2 ,and A.F.Mohd Ayob3
1Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
2Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
3Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
It was well documented that deaf children are often delayed in language development compared to their hearing counterpart. The delay unfortunately hampered the cognitive development and affected the learning process among deaf students. Realizing the importance of grasping basic language skills among deaf children, this paper reports on an ongoing development of computer-based dialogic reading; a prototype that aims to enhance the deaf students’ language and literacy skills, specifically vocabulary learning. This paper is segmented into two sections; a theoretical framework that guided the project and preliminary research of the study. Constructivism and cognitive learning theory are critically reviewed to conclusively form a theoretical framework for this study. Since the study is still in the initial stage, preliminary research is carried out qualitatively; included the interviews with respondents. It is concluded that both learning theories provided broad potential for student-centred learning process and expanded the capability of the students. Preliminary study showed that deaf students’ approaches to reading and writing are different from their normal counterparts and more deaf-friendly computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is needed in Malaysia. Educational psychology and technology consideration that addressed the need of deaf students in planning the CALL prototype are deliberately discussed for future researchers and practitioners.
Keywords : Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Special Education, Dialogic Reading, Technology Intervention, Deaf Education
The full paper is expected to be presented on Internatioanl Conference on Language Learning in Georgetown,Penang organized by UITM
kadar bacaan rakyat malaysia mmg rendah.ada kajian menyatakan purata rakyat malaysia membaca sehelai dalam setahun.mak aih!punyala skit. kalo ada yg membaca pon,benda2 yg remeh temeh dan boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai junk reading (walau x semua).dan isu2 yg berkaitan tahyul & seks pasti menjadi tujuan pembacaan berikut.kalau tidak,bagaimana Harian Metro dapat menjadi akhbar no1 berbahsa melayu?apa isi HM kalo tidak penuh kes rogol,liwat,kenduri seks,mengandung luar nikah,wanita rambut panjang misteri dalam foto dsbgnya.akhbar yg membincangkan arus perdana dan nasional dipandang sepi.berlainan dgn akhbar berbahasa inggeris The Star yg pembacanya ramai bukan melayu.begitu kritis membincangkan isu2 hangat yg memberi faedah dan celik mata bg kita.malang sungguh rakyat malaysia berbangsa melayu.di kala org lain sudah riuh memperjuangkan hak kita masuk sibuk hal2 remeh temeh.alahai!!
membaca mmg pintu ilmu.org yg suka membaca benda berfaedah otaknya lebih cergas,pengetahuan amnya lebih luas.kadang2 org tanya saya,bagaimana boleh dapat banyak sumber dan info utk tesis saya?jawapannya MEMBACA.berasal dr bidang yg berlainan dan keberanian saya mentackle bidang pendidikan khas memaksa saya membaca dalam kuantiti yg terlalu banyak!sehinggakan jika saya menghabiskan berminggu2 membaca dalam buku inggeris(buku rujukan banyak dlm BI),BM saya jadi merudum.saya menjadi kagum bila membaca artikel2 luar negara.bukanla kerana saya ini mengagungkan org luar,tetapi penulisan mereka tajam,mantap dan kritis.kepuasan membaca dapat dicapai!
jika berbincang ttg jnis2 buku yg sy minat,sy minat bacaan berat dan berunsur penaakulan (baca:penyiasatan,jenayah,perubatan,perundangan).sy mmg tidak berminat novela cinta nak nak kalo tajuknya dah berunsur syahdu syahdan cth:ucapkan kasihmu.itu termasukla novel2 cinta yg ditulis oleh penulis yg menggunakan 3 nama!kalo buku jenis shopalic tu,saya hanya akan pinjam.bukan sy berlagak,cumanya jiwa saya rasa kosong dan tiada kepuasan bila membaca buku demikian.kadang2 jika terlalu boring,saya boleh menghabiskan membaca satu buku teks cthnya buku instructional design oleh dick and carrey(hahahha..seriously!)
baikla!saya sdg berusaha menanam minta membaca di kalangan ank2 sy!dan sy sdg cuba melakukannya juga pd ank2 org lain juga menerusi kursus latihan yg terangkum bawah tesis saya.doakan semuanya berjalan lancar dan saya boleh menamatkan MSc saya tahun ini.!!
Wow!thats my first reaction when i read the quote.it is not from any historian,philantrophist.it is from Jennifer Aniston quoted in The Malaysian Women's Weekly , January 2009 Edition , which i religiously buy at the store each month since i procrastinating the subscription process.
i agree on Aniston in certain extent.we live with fault,mistakes and errors that waiting to happen everyday.we cant expect to be all right,perfect in our journey of life.when we failed,wronged etc we shouldnt mourning and regretting it all your lifetime.just carry on with your life and take a lesson from it.then,you will lead a positive and optimist life.
ps:no wonder she can survive the break with brad pitt!
bagi memenuhi permintaan adik angkat kesayangan kami,ustaz harith hamzah maka dibuatkan satu entry khas untuk catatan holidaynya di kedah bersama kami.nuha asik nk merap(manja) dgn abg ayish nya.maka banyakla gamba harith dgn nuha.enjoy it!
************* KEDAI NASI KANDAR HJ RAMLY terletak di simpang kuala,alor setaq.jalan menuju ke sg petani.murah dan sedap.gamba xdan sbb lapar yg amat dan makan dengan penuh tawaduknya!
antara tempat lawatan wajib bagi tourist ke kedah mestilah Pekan Rabu.harith tanya adik ipar saya,naimah kenapa namanya pekan rabu?imah pon tatau.tp mengikut bacaan saya,dulunya disinilah tapak pekan hari yg dibuat tiap hari rabu.so lekatla nama pekan rabu.foreground adalah tempat dimana kami akan 'membaham' ABC yg lazat dan murah dibawah ini!
everytime balik kedah ,acara wajib saya musti makan ABC kat kedai delima di pekan Rabu.sodappp!!
memandangkan suami saya dah mati akal tatau nk bawa harith ke mana,so kami pi la kota kuala kedah.dalam perjalanan tu kami lalu satu jambatan apantah namanya.dan seperti biasa,tertangkapla gambar couple comei di bawah ini..berltarkan bot nelayan.saya dalam keta sambil amik shot ni.sejarah kota kuala kedah saya pon tak pasti.
teman tapi mesra ala ala linda *** & Fah***
nuha,dearest husband,harith
sawadee ka..mau pegi alloq setaa ikut mana? pendatang siam baru mendarat
sebenarnya banyak tempat lagi,cuma masa je cemburukan kami..(hahahha).ikutkan di tempat suami saya sendiri,Yan,pon banyak tempat melancong.contohnya gunung jerai (penat naik separuh dengan 4WD masa baru2 kawen sambil makan jagung rebus),titi hayun (tempat kami 'berkubang' bila cuaca panas mengalahkan padang pasiaq melanda kedah),pantai murni (pemadangan laut dgn pantai selutnya)..dan sekitar bendang2 di daerah yan yg berlatarkan gunung jerai ,sebijik cam lukisan masa drjh 1,2(area2 selengkoh,titi bakong etc)
jadi pada sume,apa lagi xplore la negara kita ni!murah pon ye.mudah pon ye...mai la jalan kot ni!!
it might sound cliche.but im a firm believer and follower of new year resolution.i use it as a guideline for achieving my target. nevermind if we able or not to stick into it,the least of it,trying to make it happen,counts more.so let the cliche begins.
+i must upgrade my ibadah. -fall under this section: +improved solah (top up with sunat) +at least a page of Al Quran per day. +fasting (sunat) +istiqamah wif dzikir.the least salawat 21x after solah
+i must finish my M.Sc this year thats mean ive to: +build prototype +build instruments +train the parents +carry out pilot test +carry out the the real test +data analysis +VIVA
+i must lost kilos(at least 3kg) +i must save at least 10k for downpayment of house
1.1.09 the very first casual and personalized gathering of old students 5Sc 1998 SMKHC was held in PizzaHut Wangsa Maju.TEN years since the last day we left Hillcrest and now we met again.Although only a selected samples of the population (hahaha) were there,the function was very2 warm and fulfilling (both tummy and friendship).here are some piccas taken during the gathering.
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seperti biasa,da kenyang musti bergambar!
how time flies !
some trivial facts
+faridz couldnt remember ayin's name and ayin didnt mind since "we are not too close during those days!!" hahahah ayin saiko mung
+only azura who really ventured into science based career.
+prof dr shaiful idzwan aka chip is now an archeologist with USM yet he only got P4 for history during SPM.(lesson:never let urself down with A's.just strive ur ambition!)and he arrived the latest since he just arrived from Penang and train delayed for hours.
+fitri's son was named after Faridz Radzi.Its truly an honour to him.
+ayin will be married this coming 1st March..
+turned out that , only the ladies bring the gift. (as usual)
+we are 28 this year!!!!
lihat la pinggan2 yg licin tu!! termasukla jug..hahah mimi ko dasat!!