January 06, 2009


herewith i enclosed abstracts of my paper that have been presented and will be present in
the various conferences.if happen the abstract is the one you looking for,dont be hesitate to contact me personally.im willing to share it (given that ,u credit me.unless it is plagiarism).


Effectiveness of Assistive Computer Technology (ACT) for Enhancing Basic Language Skills among Students with Hearing Disabilities : A Literature Review

Nurul Hijja Mazlan

Shaffe Mohd Daud

Faculty of Educational Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia


It is well documented that deaf children are often delayed in language development compared to their hearing peers.However,invention of assistive computer technology (ACT) gives deaf students opportunity to enhance their language skills and immerse on new and more interactive virtual learning environment.The purpose of this paper is to review the potential and effectiveness of ACT for improving language skills and learning outcomes among deaf students.The review is organized into two major sections that reflects the theoretical framework to date; dialogic reading interventions and technology interventions on deaf’s written language.Many researchers conclude that dialogic reading interventions have yielded significant improvement on deaf students’ language development and ACT has demonstrated efficacy in enhancing language skills among students with hearing disabilities.Educational considerations in planning computer-based dialogic reading intervention for students with deafness in Malaysia are deliberately discussed for future practitioners and educators.

The paper has been presented on 2nd International Malaysia Educational Technology Convention held in Kuantan,Pahang and organized by Univ.Sains Malaysia.



Nurul Hijja Mazlan1 Shaffe Mohd Daud2 and Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayob3

1Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

2Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

3Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

Email: 1nurul.najib@gmail.com, 2shaffee@putra.upm.edu.my , 3afauzi@educ.upm.edu.my


Normal children acquire and develop their languages mostly through spoken language which demands the hearing capability. Thus, in respect to the deaf children’s deficit on auditory processing, it is well documented that deaf children are often delayed in linguistic area compared to their hearing counterpart and are often disadvantaged on both count: spoken and written languages. However, the implementation of information technology in education helps to elevate the language learning process in addition to the conventional teaching and learning process. This paper reviews the usage of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in deaf education setting and critically investigates the effectiveness of CALL among children with hearing disabilities. The review finds that the efficiency outweighed the inefficiency of CALL in deaf children’s language learning process. Educational, physical, technology and design factors that highly contribute to the beneficial CALL are deliberately discuss for future researchers and practitioners.

Keywords : Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Special Education, Assistive Computer Technology, Technology Intervention, Hearing Disabilities

The full paper is expected to be presented on Seminar Kebangsaan ICT dalam Pendidikan in Ipoh,Perak organized by UPSI



N. H. Mazlan1 , S.Mohd Daud2 ,and A.F.Mohd Ayob3

1Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

2Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

3Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia

Email: 1nurul.najib@gmail.com, 2shaffee@putra.upm.edu.my , 3afauzi@educ.upm.edu.my


It was well documented that deaf children are often delayed in language development compared to their hearing counterpart. The delay unfortunately hampered the cognitive development and affected the learning process among deaf students. Realizing the importance of grasping basic language skills among deaf children, this paper reports on an ongoing development of computer-based dialogic reading; a prototype that aims to enhance the deaf students’ language and literacy skills, specifically vocabulary learning. This paper is segmented into two sections; a theoretical framework that guided the project and preliminary research of the study. Constructivism and cognitive learning theory are critically reviewed to conclusively form a theoretical framework for this study. Since the study is still in the initial stage, preliminary research is carried out qualitatively; included the interviews with respondents. It is concluded that both learning theories provided broad potential for student-centred learning process and expanded the capability of the students. Preliminary study showed that deaf students’ approaches to reading and writing are different from their normal counterparts and more deaf-friendly computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is needed in Malaysia. Educational psychology and technology consideration that addressed the need of deaf students in planning the CALL prototype are deliberately discussed for future researchers and practitioners.

Keywords : Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Special Education, Dialogic Reading, Technology Intervention, Deaf Education

The full paper is expected to be presented on Internatioanl Conference on Language Learning in Georgetown,Penang organized by UITM

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